Invitation to the 26th Annual Conference

The Executive Board of the Ethiopian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ESOG) would like to cordially invite all its members to attend the 26th Annual Conference, which will be held at Intercontinental Addis Hotel on February 6-7, 2018. As always our conference is well equipped with Pannel Conference, CMEs, Scientific Sessions receptions and side line discussions.

ESOG Shared Residency Curriculum Experience

The Ethiopian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ESOG), called upon by the Human Resource Directorate of the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH), shared its experience of harmonizing residency program curriculums and setting minimum requirements to launch residency programs.  ESOG shared the experience on a consultative workshop with professional societies at Ethiopian Public Institute (EPHI) on December 29, 2017.

To share its experience ESOG was represented by Dr. Dereje Negussie, president of ESOG, Dr. Mengistu H. Mariam, executive board member and Dr. Tesfaneh Fikre, project coordinator for the ESOG-ACOG Collaborative Project. Hosted by the Directorate, facilitating the event was Professor Abraham H. Amlak, advisor to the Directorate.

ESOG presented its experience to Societies in various specialty programs such as Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Internal Medicine, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Radiology and others. The Societies through their representatives applauded the initiative ESOG took in harmonizing the curriculums and producing minimum requirement for universities to launch residency programs in Ob-Gyn.

The FMoH is hoping to take the experience to other residency programs. FMoH will facilitate the initiatives by providing material and human power support and hosting consultative workshops.

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