Enhancing Health through Self-Care: A New Initiative in Ethiopia


Enhancing Health through Self-Care: A New Initiative in Ethiopia

Self-care is defined as the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability, with or without the support of a healthcare provider. The new guidelines, endorsed by the Ministry of Health, provide a comprehensive framework for implementing self-care interventions in Ethiopia. They emphasize the importance of integrating self-care into the existing health system rather than replacing direct healthcare provider interactions.

The scope of self-care encompasses a broad range of activities, including health promotion, disease prevention and control, self-medication, care for dependent persons, and seeking necessary hospital or specialist care. Key areas of focus include maternal health, family planning, adolescent and youth health, neonatal and child health, immunization services, and nutritional interventions. Each of these areas is addressed through tailored self-care practices designed to empower individuals and communities.

The rationale for promoting self-care is clear: health systems worldwide are strained by the increasing demand for responses to public health emergencies, affecting access to essential health services. By 2030, a global shortage of 18 million health workers is anticipated, and currently, 400 million people lack access to the most basic health services. In Ethiopia, self-care is seen as a critical strategy to mitigate these challenges and ensure that health services reach all segments of the population, particularly in humanitarian and crisis-affected settings.

To implement these self-care interventions, the guidelines outline several key considerations, including gender dimensions, health system tier structures, capacity building for healthcare providers, and ensuring access to necessary medical supplies and products. Social and behavior change communication (SBCC) is highlighted as an essential component of promoting self-care practices within communities.

Specific self-care interventions are detailed for various health domains. For example, in maternal health, non-pharmacological methods for labor pain management, postnatal care practices such as early ambulation and wound care, and measures to address common physiological symptoms during pregnancy are included. Family planning interventions promote the use of over-the-counter contraceptives, self-administration of injectable contraceptives, and pregnancy self-testing. Adolescent and youth health interventions focus on providing SRH information through digital technologies and community awareness programs.

The guidelines also address neonatal and child health, emphasizing the promotion of positive mental health for mothers and caregivers, education on managing common childhood illnesses, and interventions to prevent neonatal and childhood emergencies. Immunization services are enhanced through education on vaccine-preventable diseases and self-detection of adverse events following immunization. Nutritional interventions include education on healthy eating, prevention and treatment of maternal malnutrition, and breastfeeding support.

Implementation of the self-care guidelines involves a multi-faceted approach, leveraging health education, digital technologies, community conversations, and continuous supply of necessary commodities. Monitoring and evaluation will be conducted at regional and national levels, with specific indicators for each self-care intervention to assess their impact and effectiveness.

ESOG, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and other stakeholders, will play a pivotal role in promoting and supporting these self-care initiatives. By empowering individuals and communities with the knowledge and tools to manage their health, we aim to reduce the burden on the healthcare system and improve health outcomes across Ethiopia. This initiative represents a significant step towards achieving universal health coverage and enhancing the well-being of all Ethiopians.

Enhancing Maternal and Neonatal Health: Clinical Skills Improvement Training Under FIGO LDI:REACH Project


The Ethiopian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ESOG) is delighted to report the successful commencement of the Clinical Skills Improvement Training under the FIGO LDI:REACH Project—Removing Barriers to Effective Access and Coverage of Maternal Health.

On July 3, 2024 a significant training session was conducted at St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College (SPHMMC), focusing on enhancing the knowledge and skills of healthcare providers in managing postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) using EMOTIVE, the WHO's first response bundle care, including the administration of tranexamic acid (TXA).

The training also covered the administration of antenatal corticosteroids (ACS) to prevent lung immaturity and its consequences in premature babies, aiming to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.

Other sessions are also continuing at other locations. On July 5 and 6, 2024 the training is held at Marie Stopes Ethiopia Gotera MCH Center (MSI). Following these, additional sessions will be conducted at Adare General Hospital in Hawassa and Welkite University Specialized Hospital in Welkite in the coming weeks.

These sessions are designed to provide practical, hands-on experience to doctors, midwife nurses, clinical nurses, and other healthcare providers from FIGO LDI:REACH sites and their respective catchment health facilities. This initiative is a crucial step in the FIGO LDI:REACH Project’s mission to enhance maternal health care and outcomes across Ethiopia by equipping healthcare providers with the latest skills and knowledge.

Drawing upon the principles outlined in the Leadership Development Initiative under the FIGO LDI:REACH program, supported and overseen by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), the training is aimed to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to drive positive change in maternal and neonatal healthcare delivery.

DMPA-SC Self-Injection Initiative for Improved Contraceptive Access and Women's Health


SC_Debrezeit_4_50.jpgInjectable contraceptives, particularly those that are discreet and highly effective, have long been popular in Sub-Saharan Africa. Among these, the subcutaneous formulation of DMPA (DMPA-SC), known by the brand name Sayana Press, stands out. This method can be administered by community health workers (CHWs) and by clients themselves. Globally endorsed and proven safe and effective, DMPA-SC for self-injection has been added as a "strong recommendation" by the WHO. In Ethiopia, it has been approved by the Ethiopian Food and Drug Administration (EFDA) and is poised to revolutionize contraceptive options for women.

In Ethiopia, DMPA-SC is currently available through limited private health facilities as a provider-administered injection. Recognizing its potential, the MoH, with support from EPHI and FHI 360, conducted an implementation research study in 2021. This study, involving 400 women from six public health centers in Addis Ababa, assessed the safety, acceptability, and feasibility of DMPA-SC self-injection. The findings were promising: 95.3% of participants could safely self-inject during enrollment, and 83.1% continued to do so at follow-up. High satisfaction rates (84%) and willingness to recommend the method (85%) further underscored its potential impact.

The MoH envisions a phased-based introduction of DMPA-SC for self-injection across Ethiopia, aiming to integrate it into the broader FP method mix. The objectives include expanding FP options through public service delivery channels, piloting the method in diverse settings, ensuring consistent supply and commodity security, and integrating DMPA-SC into national FP programs for sustainable monitoring and scale-up.

The introduction plan is structured to ensure systematic integration into existing service delivery systems, including training, supervision, and monitoring. The phased approach begins with major cities and urban settings, followed by semi-urban contexts, and finally, pilot studies in agrarian and pastoralist regions. This structured rollout is designed to address specific needs and contexts of different regions in Ethiopia.

Advocacy efforts will align with national FP communication guidelines to create a supportive policy environment. Key objectives include increasing contraceptive options, engaging decision-makers for resource mobilization, and raising awareness through diverse media channels. By fostering an environment that supports DMPA-SC self-injection, the initiative aims to empower women and enhance self-care practices.

Service delivery will target pre-identified facilities with high FP service demand. Comprehensive counseling on contraceptive options will be provided, and both new and current DMPA-IM users will be informed about DMPA-SC and SI options. Training will adopt a cascade approach, starting with master trainers and extending to FP service providers at various levels. The MoH will also integrate DMPA-SC training materials into pre- and in-service training curricula.

Proper storage and waste management practices are crucial for DMPA-SC. Clients will be trained to store units safely and dispose of used needles properly. The supply chain management plan aims for accurate stock monitoring and timely procurement, leveraging Ethiopia’s existing FP commodity distribution platform.

Targeted SBCC will play a vital role in raising awareness and addressing myths about DMPA-SC/SI. Mass and social media campaigns, community dialogues, and facility-level education will ensure informed choices and increased demand for FP services. Engaging men in FP discussions and ensuring provider readiness are also integral components of the SBCC strategy.

The Ethiopian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ESOG) will play a pivotal role in this endeavor. ESOG will engage in advocacy, training, and awareness campaigns to support the introduction and scale-up of DMPA-SC self-injection. By collaborating with policymakers, healthcare providers, and communities, ESOG aims to ensure that every woman in Ethiopia has access to safe, effective, and self-administered contraceptive options. Through these efforts, ESOG is committed to advancing women's health and empowerment across Ethiopia.

This transformative initiative represents a significant step towards improving contraceptive access and empowering women in Ethiopia, aligning with broader goals of gender equity and universal health coverage.