The Ethiopian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ESOG) provided training on Infection Prevention and Patient Safety at Walda Primary Hospital from November 9-18, 2020. Participants of the training were a total of 18 health care workers six Midwives from MCH Department, six nurses from other departments and also 6 catchment health centers health workers.

The objective of the training was to build the capacity and skills of health workers and other actors to infection prevention (IPPS).

In developing countries like Ethiopia, healthcare-associated infections are recognized as a major burden for patients, health care management and the society at large. The potential for the transmission of infections in the health care setting is high. Statistics show that a hospital is one of the most hazardous places to work. Both those receiving and providing care in hospitals are at risk of acquiring and transmitting infections through exposure to blood, body fluids or contaminated materials.

Healthcare workers may be exposed to infection through the provision of care, invasive clinical procedures, the use of instruments and exposure to needle stick injuries and in turn to potentially infectious agents which can cause nosocomial infection or Healthcare Acquired Infection.